As we are embracing winter, we have to realize that it has its purpose. The snowpack allows us to fight draught in the summer, it replenishes the bodies of water, the cold temperatures kill off certain insects, so we don’t have a plague of them in the summer, lol. It also, allows for us to slow down a bit to embrace our family, due to the major holidays in this season, but it also causes great planning. Spring shows new growth and life. Summer gives me a sunburn, LOL, and harvest. All in all, each season plays its part in the process of the year or life, whichever you want to see it as. There is no difference in the seasons of our spiritual life. We have to recognize as a body that we have not had a season of fasting. How do we know…when was the last time you felt or participated in a season of fasting? What is the purpose? So many reasons why, but it is that we recognize that how dirty or yucky or even heavy we felt in the spirit from the effects of the pandemic, the battle happening in the heavens during this past season. Fasting during this time has allowed us the opportunity to recognize that we were even feeling in those ways. Not only that, but as Mark 9:29 says, “And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting”. We did not have the clarity brought by fasting, but also the power. The season of fasting teamed with prayer gives us the direction according to the Father’s desire, His will. We have decreased the control of our flesh so that He can increase and direct us…so very necessary for the season coming. Be not quick to deny that power within this season, do not call the fasting unnecessary and choose to avoid it. This season is necessary for the seasons that follow. They are the foundation and preparation for the very specific instructions, and building of our faith, our trust in the Father to take steps, not blindly, but instead knowing those very steps are ordered already. Heed to the calling! Heed to the importance of this season! Do not take lightly the impact of this season!