
            Study to show yourself approved. This entire time we thought the focus was on what other’s might perceive or judge or that we may not be able to give an answer, a confident known answer from the Father in His Word. Before I get ahead of myself let’s just go to the word. 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. It clearly states that we are to focus on the approval of the Father. However, it seems that many of us are more concerned with failing man’s view of us, not even the detriment of potentially losing the opportunity of being used to lead someone to salvation. This is a very unfortunate place to be. 

            Sit back for a moment and really be honest with yourself. Were you one of these folks? 

            Man does not exalt us, man does not give promotion, man does not justify us, does not save us, does not put us in heaven. See we have fallen from the idea that God truly is God and that He is so much greater than His creation…man (obviously other stuff too, lol). When we put others or self ahead of God than we have put Him lower than His creation. Oh, what a troubling place! Funny thing about this, is that you have proven that you have not studied to show yourself approved…to the Father. 

            There are so many helps out there to get you to stay on track to reading the word, to studying the word, but if you fail to have a real relationship with the Father, then it will only be words on a page in a book. You will attempt to live them out in a religious manner. In fact, you will fall to the mental reasoning of the word and not see the true living word that exists. The interpretation you have, will be founded on your own perception and not the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

            The first thing to do is to repent, ask for forgiveness, truly receive Jesus into your heart, your life, and learn who He is. Talk with Him, be real always, not like you can hide anything anyway, so quit fooling yourself. Fast…yes fast and pray, spend time with Him, just His goodness through meditating on How good He really is, not anything of self, or the ministering opportunities ahead, focus entirely on Him. Watch things unfold. This is not a fad diet salvation, it is a lifestyle change, it is long-term and always present part of life that you do not get to just lack in…what you invest in will produce fruit…the question is what kind of fruit are you producing? Not all berries are nourishing, some poison those who eat it. Make sure your fruit is life giving and not life taking.

            Let’s be about this life!